Friday, October 16, 2009

So you want freedom and liberty?…it’s gonna cost you!

So you want freedom and liberty?…it’s gonna cost you!

I want to remind you and encourage you to think about this, we in this country have traded having constant wars and battles with arms for constant battles of thinking and politics. We have revolutionary wars at the ballot box and in the public exchange and critiques of ideas. Just as going off to a war fought with guns is costly for the participants, in lives, money and time sacrificed. So it is the same when the fighting happens in the Ohio State House the Nation’s Capital, or anywhere in the “public square”. That is the price required to fight for your cause. I have never had a desire to get involved in politics for that very reason. The cost for involvement was too high for me. I was content to let the “politicians” and “activists” duke it out. I would just support the person/party who most closely resembled my way of thinking. Frankly that is one reason we are where we are now politically.
I want to address this issue of counting the cost. Don’t fool yourself; to make a difference will cost you something. The opposition knows this and that is why they are winning right now. They understood it and were willing to pay the price. They give time and money to support their issues. They are more organized, which requires organizers, they volunteer to support their cause. Most importantly ,they never give up. All these things cost the individual something, time, money, and frustration among other things. The country’s founders were willing to pledge their “Lives, fortunes and sacred honor.” In other words they were willing to give everything, for the cause of liberty. The evidence of this was the signing of the Declaration of independence. For all intent and purposes they were signing their own death warrant when they signed that declaration. If the British got hold of them after that, they would have been hanged for treason. So I ask you, do you want your voice heard bad enough? What is freedom worth? What are you willing to sacrifice? What will you give up? Both in tangible and in-tangible ways. I encourage us all to stop and take stock of our situation. Count the cost. Then make up your mind, commit yourself to the cause, know what you are fighting for, and what you are willing to pay. Get involved, learn about government and governing, learn our history. Go to Tea party rallies, town hall meetings, and other protests. Give money to support causes, candidates and groups that you deem worthy. Call your representatives in Local, State, and National realms. Let them know you are awake now and watching them, and are prepared to defend them for doing right, and hold them accountable for doing wrong. However you see fit, get involved. You can make a difference right where you are.