Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Who will be left to hold the bag?

While I don't necessarily agree with Rep. Paul on some things, I do agree with him on this one. I am still learning about the Federal Reserve. I do know that the Federal Reserve is no more "Federal" than Federal Express. It is a private group of banks. When I say private I do mean private. The folks in Congress don't even know what banks are involved. I won't go further right now as I don't want to give any bad information out of ignorance.
Here is a principle of Liberty and Responsibility that is important in this discussion. Honesty. One of the reasons people give for not auditing the Fed is that there may be some information on how they operate or what they have done recently or are doing that could cause real problems in the markets if it were known. What we have to ask ourselves is this. Do we ever plan on stopping all the corruption and taking the consequences that come with the cleanup? Shall we continue on with it because the cost for Truth is too high? I for one am tired of the corruption. I am tired of the shell games that our "leaders" play. I know I am not alone in this. I have never in my 37 years heard so many people have absolutely no trust in our government. They don't believe a word they say, on either side of the aisle. In fact I am looking at the approval rating for Congress as a whole right now. This poll is from NBC and the Wall Street Journal. They posted as of 9/17-20/09 22% approve and 66% disapprove. Now it is true they are higher right now then they have been in the recent past. But if this trend continues, we will wind up with the very stability of our Country at stake. When you create distrust of the governing in the governed, you are creating the foundations of revolution. We must do the hard things now, if we are to begin to heal from the sickness of corruption and irresponsibility. Let us turn the light of Truth on ourselves, and deal with what we find uprightly now. Before it's too late.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Honesty, Integrity, Honor

I am going to "transplant" some posts I have made in a group I am part of
,just to get things rolling. Here is the site they are at.

I wrote this right before the April 15th 2009 Tea Party in Cleveland OH.

" Just a note to remind us all. There are going to be many people looking for us to do or say things they can use against us. We must be measured and precise in our speech and deed. Give them no ammunition. They will no doubt manufacture their own. The last thing we need is to give them any reason to portray us as nut jobs. I have no doubt it will happen anyway. Say what we mean and mean what we say. Don't make this about Republican or Democrat. It is about America leaving all our founding principles and our Constitution behind. The American dream is that anyone could come to this country and have the Freedom to succeed or fail. That they could work as hard or as little as they wanted and reap the reward they sowed. They also could have a part in their government and speak their minds without fear of reprisal by the government. They had the right to self determination. Which is why when people come here from a foreign land where this was not the case, they may show up with $0.50 cents, but these freedoms and their hearts desire to take advantage of all these causes them to prosper even greater than those who were born into it. May we show all who watch these protests that all we are looking for is to return to the very values that allowed so many to come here with nothing, and prosper beyond their wildest dreams, and live lifes of peace. Also that we are not against charity, or caring for others. But that we don't define charity as government forcing us to give what they want us to when and where they want us to. We believe the most expensive and inefficient way to do anything is government.

See you there,
Rob Short"